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CfP 3rd CReAM/RWI Workshop on the Economics of Migration (5.-6.09.2022)

The aim of the workshop is to bring together young and experienced researchers to present and discuss their work in the broad area of migration economics. Both empirical and theoretical contributions are welcome. The workshop will be organized in a manner designed to foster interaction among the participants in a relaxed atmosphere.

The keynote lectures will be given by:

Francisca Antman (University of Colorado Boulder)

Paolo Pinotti (Bocconi University)

Researchers interested in participating are invited to submit a paper (preferred) or an extended abstract in pdf format to The submission deadline is June 15, 2022. Young researchers are particularly encouraged to apply. Authors of accepted papers will be notified by July 1, 2022.

Further information on the workshop can be found here.

Open doctoral position @ Oldenburg University (remote work possible)

Prof. Dr. Gundula Zoch has a three-year doctoral researcher position (pay scale E13, 65% part-time contract) available in a DFG project starting  October 1, 2022. There is a certain degree of flexibility regarding the candidates’ actual starting date.

The project will focus on family, labor market and/or education research, in particular in research on maternal employment and children’s development. It includes analyses at the locations of the Research Data Center of the BA (e.g. Nuremberg, Berlin or Mannheim), so that the advertised position is also suitable for commuters and is supported by the possibility of remote work.

Deadline for applications is June 15, 2022.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Gundula Zoch via

Find more information here (German only).

CFP: Gender Economics Workshop @FU Berlin

DIW Berlin, FU Berlin, HU Berlin, Uni Potsdam and WZB are jointly organizing a workshop on Gender Economics. The aim of this workshop is to bring together an international group of labor and experimental economists.

The Keynote lecture will be delivered by Professor Iris Bohnet (Harvard University). The workshop will take place on Oct 4-5th, 2022 at FU Berlin.

Authors at all stages of their career are invited to submit research papers via e-mail to Nicole Haase ( by June 15th. Notifications will be sent by July 7th.

Find more information here.

Open Position @ University of Leeds

The University of Leeds is advertising the position of a lecturer in economics (with focus on research). The lecturer position is equivalent to that of an Assistant Professors elsewhere (as well as to the German Juniorprofessor). It is permanent from the beginning, including an initial period of probation (max. 2 years). Applications from all areas of economics are welcome.

The application deadline is May 23, 2022.

Further details may be found here.

CFP: Analysis of Future Wage Developments in Germany

The Dezernat Zukunft is offering a prize of €2,500 for the best answer to the question of how wages will develop in Germany in the upcoming years. The focus of your paper should be on the quantitative analysis of wage indicators and should be presented in a maximum of 2,500 words. Consideration should include wage trends for 2022 and 2023, but may go beyond.

The deadline for submission is May 31, 2022, 12 p.m. CET. Please send your work in PDF format to (subject: “Call for Papers Wages”).

Find more information here.

Student Research Assistant @Zi Berlin

The Zi (Central Research Institute of Ambulatory Health Care in Germany) in Berlin is looking for a student assistant (part-time – 20 hours per week) to support research projects on the intersection of health economics and labor markets of medical practitioners. Tasks will be mainly focused on the review and processing of survey data.

The position is supposed to be filled as soon as possible.

Find the full job posting (in German) and the application portal here.

CfP: 4th Forum Higher Education and the Labour Market (HELM), 6-7 October

The Institute for Employment Research (IAB) and the German Centre for Higher Education Research and Science Studies (DZHW) are pleased to announce the 4th Forum on Higher Education and the Labour Market, taking place entirely online on 6-7 October, 2022. While focussing on empirical perspectives on students’ experiences during the Covid-19 pandemic, the conference offers sessions with a more general perspective on “Higher Education and the Labour Market”, for example on returns to tertiary education, university dropout, graduates’ placement on the labour market, and regional mobility of graduates.

Keynote speakers are Prof. David A. Jaeger (University of St Andrews) and Prof. Núria Rodríguez-Planas (City University of New York, Queens College).

Interested researchers are invited to submit a short outline (max. 500 words) by June 20, 2022, to

Find more information here.

CfP Economics of Education Workshop @ NIFU & NTNU, Oslo

On August 22-23, 2022, the Nordic Institute for Studies in Innovation, Research and Education (NIFU) and the Department of Economics at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) will organize a workshop on ‘Educational Resources and Student Performance’ in Oslo. The purpose is to stimulate research in the broad area of economics of education, and to bring together young and experienced researchers.

Keynote speakers are professor Victor Lavy, University of Warwick, UK and professor Diane Schanzenbach, Northwestern University, USA.

The deadline for submission of papers is April 20, 2022. Young researchers are particularly encouraged to submit. For submission, please send the paper, or 2-3 page abstract, to Authors of submitted papers will be notified about acceptance mid May.

Find more information here.

Open Position @ ILO

The International Labour Organization (ILO) in Geneva is hiring an economist for a period of one year to work on skills and transitions in the labour market, including the analysis of online data from labour intermediation platforms in various middle-income countries.

Application deadline: March 21, 2022

Find more information here.

BeNA Labor Economics Workshop @DIW – June 16, 2022

The one-day workshop provides young labor economists the chance to present and discuss their recent research. It provides a forum to meet and exchange with fellow doctoral students, post-docs and professors from the field of labor economics. The workshop is targeted at PhD students and aims to facilitate exchange between junior and senior academics.

This year, we are happy to announce that Sarah Cattan (Institute for Fiscal Studies) and Luise Görges (Leuphana University) will be our excellent guest speakers at the workshop.

We are looking forward to submissions from PhD students from Berlin and Brandenburg working on topics in labor economics from a theoretical, empirical or experimental perspective.

The workshop will take place in the friendly atmosphere of the DIW (German Institute for Economic Research) on June 16, 2022. Due to the current situation, participating is only possible by providing a negative test result, proof of vaccination or recovery from COVID- 19.

If you want to present your work, please submit an abstract or a draft of your paper by May 8, to

The decision on your submission will be communicated by May 18, 2022

Find more information here: