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Postdoc @ Hamburg University

The research associate will work together with Prof. Iris Kesternich on empirical research topics in health and labour economics. The aim is to publish research results in high-ranking journals and to contribute to the debate on economic policy. Additionally, the successful applicant will have time to pursue her/his own research projects and will support the teaching activities of the team in Economics and Econometrics (5 hours/week). We offer an attractive research environment in a dynamic and friendly team atmosphere. The HCHE is located in a beautiful building in the center of Hamburg. The Universität Hamburg is a University of Excellence, and Health Economics is one of the Emerging Fields of the University. We have recently established a Graduate School around the research on Health Care Quality. There is also a large Economics Faculty with a Graduate School.

Key Facts:

  • Institution: Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences, Department of Economics, Hamburg Center for Health Economics
  • Salary level: EGR. 13 TV-L
  • Start date: 01.01.2024 (or later), fixed for a period of three years. The contract provides for a maximum extension of up to three years depending on the associate’s achievements during the first stage.
  • Scope of work: full-time position suitable for part-time
  • Application Deadline: 01/10/2023

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