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Post-Doc position @University of Geneva

The University of Geneva is offering a postdoc position (20 months) in applied microeconomics with a focus on econometrics. This project is part of a federally funded research project entitled “Benefits of plurilingualism in Switzerland. Individuals and society”. The project focuses on, but is not limited to, the links between labour income and different linguistic attributes of individuals, in particular their language practices.

Application deadline is 8 February 2021.

Please find more information here. The announcement is in French.

CfP: 34th Annual Conference of the European Society for Population Economics (online) on June 17-19, 2021

The UB School of Economics and the Barcelona GSE will host the 34th Annual Conference of the European Society for Population Economics, which will take place on June 17-19, 2021, by videoconference. The keynote speakers will be Anna Aizer (Brown University) and Magne Mogstad (University of Chicago). The presidential address will be given by Kjell Salvanes (Norwegian School of Economics).

Submission deadline is February 1, 2021.

Please find more information here.

CfP: Workshop on Labour Economics 2021 (online), March 25th-26th

The IAAEU and the Chair of Personnel Economics at Trier University are pleased to announce the 13th Workshop on Labour Economics, taking place online on 25th-26th March, 2021. The workshop provides a forum that allows scientists to network, while fostering the exchange of research ideas and results across a range of fields, including labour and personnel economics, as well as other related topics (such as health and education economics, demography, and migration). There is no conference fee for the workshop.

Submission deadline for extended abstracts or full papers is 22nd January, 2021 to

Please find more information here.

BeNA Online Winter Workshop took place on November 27, 2020

The last BeNA Labor Economics workshop took place virtually on November 27, 2020. Congratulations to Sönke Matthewes who received the BeNA Innovative Research Award for his paper Labour Market Returns to Vocational Education: The Role of Counterfactual Choices.

The workshop is targeted at PhD students and aims to facilitate exchange between junior and senior academics in the field of labor economics. Kamila Cygan-Rehm (University of Erlangen-Nürnberg) and Philipp Lergetporer (ifo Institute) gave keynote speeches and provided valuable feedback throughout.

The program of the workshop can be found here.

CfP: Essen Health Conference 2021

“The Essen Health Conference – Where Health meets Labour and Education Economics” is taking place on 28-30 May 2021 in Essen. Researchers are invited to submit papers on any topic at the intersection between health and labour or education economics.

Papers should be sent in pdf format by 28 February 2021 to Contributions from early career researchers are encouraged.

Invited speakers include:

Please find more information here and here.

BeNA Online Winter Workshop, 27 November 2020

The BeNA Winter Workshop will take place online via Zoom on Friday, November 27, 2020. We are very happy to announce that Kamila Cygan-Rehm (University of Erlangen-Nürnberg) and Philipp Lergetporer (ifo Institute) will give keynote speeches and provide valuable feedback throughout, as well as office hours upon request.

Please find the final program here. If you would like to attend the workshop, kindly register using the e-mail

CfP: Workshop on Labour Economics – 25th-27nd March, 2021

The IAAEU and the Chair of Personnel Economics at Trier University are pleased to announce the 13th Workshop on Labour Economics, taking place on 25th-27nd March, 2021 in Trier. The workshop provides a forum that allows scientists to network, while fostering the exchange of research ideas and results across a range of fields, including labour and personnel economics, as well as other related topics (such as health and education economics, demography, and migration). Both theoretical and empirically oriented contributions are welcome. We particularly encourage PhD students to submit their research.

Interested researchers are invited to submit electronic versions of extended abstracts or full papers no later than 22nd January, 2021 to

Guido Friebel (Goethe University Frankfurt) will hold the keynote lecture.

The IAAEU will honour the best paper presented at the workshop with an endowed Best Paper Award. Further, we offer the possibility of publishing selected contributions in the IAAEU Discussion Papers Series.

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact the local organizers at

For further information, please visit our website at:

Read more.

BeNA Skills Camp on GIS, Geospatial Data & Spatial Statistics

The Berlin Network of Labor Market Research (BeNA) is very happy to announce that Nick Bearman ( – a Chartered Geographer and among others Fellow at the Royal Geographic Society and Teaching Fellow at UCL –  will give a course on GIS, Geospatial Data & Spatial Statistics. Given the current hygiene and contact restrictions we have decided to conduct the workshop entirely online through the platform Zoom. 

For further details, please check the Course Outline.  

The course takes place on Tuesday, 24/11/2020,  Wednesday, 25/11/2020, and Tuesday, 1/12/2020, always from 9:30am until 1:30pm.
Please sign up for the course via this google form ( and note that the number of slots is restricted.

CfP: BeNA Labor Economics Workshop (online), 27 November 2020

The one-day BeNA Labor Economics workshop provides young labor economists the chance to present and discuss their current research. It constitutes a forum to meet and exchange with fellow doctoral students, post-docs and professors from the field of labor economics. We are happy to announce that Kamila Cygan-Rehm (University of Erlangen-Nürnberg) and Philipp Lergetporer (ifo Institute) will give keynote speeches and provide valuable feedback throughout, as well as office hours upon request.

We are looking forward to submissions from PhD students from Berlin and Brandenburg working on topics in labor economics from a theoretical, empirical or experimental perspective. Equally, we encourage the submission of work in early stages. All projects presented at the BeNA workshop will be considered for the BeNA Innovative Research Award in the amount of €200.

The workshop will be held online via Zoom on November 27, 2020.

If you want to present your work, please submit an extended abstract or a draft of your paper by October 25, 2020, to The decision on your submission will be communicated by October 28, 2020.

Please find more information here.

Read more.