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CfP: BIEN Jahrestagung 2019 @ DIW Berlin

Das Berliner Netzwerk für interdisziplinäre Bildungsforschung (BIEN) freut sich, Nachwuchswissenschaftler*innen im Bereich der Bildungsforschung am 30. September und 1. Oktober 2019 zu seiner 6. Jahrestagung einzuladen.  

Die Tagung steht unter dem Motto „Bildung – Einflüsse, Wirkungen und Erträge“.

Beiträge aus allen Disziplinen und aus allen Bereichen der Bildungsforschung sind gleichermaßen willkommen. Wir freuen uns auch ausdrücklich über Beiträge, die über das Tagungsmotto hinausgehen.  Auch Promovierende in einem frühen Stadium oder fortgeschrittene Master-Studierende werden ermuntert, erste Ergebnisse ihres Dissertationsvorhabens oder ihrer Master-Arbeit einzureichen. Die Beiträge werden nach thematischer Passung in gleichwertigen Sessions als Poster oder Vortrag präsentiert. Den CfP als pdf-Datei können Sie hier herunterladen.

Tagungsbeiträge können in Form eines Abstracts (max. 250 Wörter zzgl. Literatur) bis zum 30. Juni 2019 eingereicht werden. Nutzen Sie dafür bitte dieses Beitragsformular. Die Anmeldung ohne eigenen Beitrag ist ab Ende Juli möglich, sobald das Tagungsprogramm feststeht.

Die Rückmeldung über Annahme und Format erfolgt bis zum 15. Juli 2019.

CfP: ZEW Workshop on the Economics of Higher Education @ Mannheim, November 18-19, 2019

ZEW will host an international workshop on the “economics of higher education” in Mannheim on November 18-19, 2019, which will bring together 15-20 economists working on the choice and outcomes of higher education programmes, as well as on higher education policy.

We particularly invite empirical contributions relating to the following topics:

  • Determinants and effects of university drop-out
  • Field of study choice and labour market outcomes
  • Returns to different types of degrees and institutions
  • Gender and socio-economic status differences in higher education echoices and outcomes
  • Evaluation  of interventions to increase study success
  • Fiscal returns to higher education.

Interested researchers are invited to sumbmit a paper using the following e-mail address: The application deadline is 15 July 2019.

Please find more information here.

PhD position @ John F. Kennedy Institute, FU Berlin

The John F. Kennedy Institut at Free University Berlin is looking for a Research Assistant (m/f/d), 50% part-time, limited to 4 years.

Job description:

  • Participation in research and teaching and assistance in research projects of the professorship in economics with special focus on economic policy in North America (Prof. Dr. Max Steinhardt)
  • Participation in acquiring funding for, and carrying out, sponsored research

The position entails the opportunity to obtain a doctoral degree in economics at the Freie Universität Berlin.

Closing date for applications is June 24, 2019. For further information, please refer to Prof. Dr. Max Steinhardt ( or click here.

CfP: Workshop on “Health and the Labour Market”

The Workshop on “Health and the Labour Market” will take place at the University of Nantes – IAE, in Nantes on December 9-10, 2019 with Prof. Eric French (University College London) as the keynote speaker.

The aim of the workshop is to bring together senior and junior researchers to discuss their most recent research related to the interplay between health and the labour market. Empirical and theoretical papers are both welcome. We expect to have about 10-14 presentations. There is no attendance fee, but participants must cover their travel expenses and accommodation. Registration will also be open to participants without paper presentation (limited space).

Please submit full papers or extended abstracts to, by October 1st, 2019. Acceptance decisions will be communicated shortly hereafter.

Please find more information here.

CfP: 6th Potsdam PhD Workshop in Empirical Economics, September 9-12, 2019

The 6th Potsdam PhD Workshop in Empirical Economics will take place in Potsdam from September 9-12, 2019.
The aim of the workshop is to give talented young researchers the opportunity to present and discuss their research and to study new developments in Empirical Economics. We are pleased to announce that Guido W. Imbens (Stanford Graduate School of Business) will give a series of lectures about Causal Inference and Machine Learning.
The workshop is open to around 20 doctoral students and post doctorates within two years after dissertation. We encourage all young researchers interested in Empirical Economics to apply. Interested candidates should submit their CV and a paper or an extended abstract for presentation by May 31, 2019 to

Further information can be found here:

DIW Masterclass with Prof. Ariel Kalil @ DIW on May 27, 2019

Prof. Ariel Kalil from the University of Chicago will give a DIW Graduate Center Masterclass on “Behavioral Insights and Parental Decision Making: A New Approach to Understanding Parental Investments in Children’s Development“.

Time and place:
May 27, 2019
9:00 – 12:30 and from 14:00 – 17:30
Anna J. Schwartz Room – 5.2.010/DIW-Berlin

If you are interested in attending the Masterclass, please send an email to Juliane Metzner ( for registration.

Mini Class on “Gender Economics” @ Free University Berlin (14.-15.05)

The PhD Program “Public Economics and Inequality” of the FU Berlin welcomes Miriam Beblo, PhD, Professor at Universität Hamburg.

Miriam Beblo gives three lectures on new approaches in the field of Gender Economics and offers the possibility for PhD Candidates to attend an office hour. In her public lecture on May 15, 2019 (16:00-18:00), she will talk about “Gender Inequalities in the Labor Market“.

Date and Time: 14.05.2019 (14:00-18:00), 15.05.2019 (16:00-18:00)

Location: Kaminzimmer, Boltzmannstraße 20, 14195 Berlin

For detailed information, please klick here.

Post doc Position @ Universität Hamburg

In der Fakultät für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften, Professur für VWL, insb. Mikroökonometrie ist gemäß § 28 Abs. 2 HmbHG* in einem Post-Doc-Arbeitsverhältnis ab dem 01.09.2019 eine Stelle als Wissenschaftliche*r Mitarbeiter*in – EGR. 13TV-L – befristet auf der Grundlage von § 2 Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetz für die Dauer von zunächst 3 Jahren zu besetzen. Eine Verlängerung um bis zu 3 Jahre ist bei positiver Bewertung der in der ersten Phase erbrachten Leistungen vorgesehen.

Die Aufgaben umfassen wissenschaftliche Dienstleistungen in der Forschung und der Lehre im Fachbereich bzw. in der wissenschaftlichen Einrichtung. Für nähere Informationen wenden Sie sich bitte an Herrn Prof. Thomas Siedler, PhD oder schauen Sie im Internet unter nach.
Bitte senden Sie Ihre Bewerbung mit den üblichen Unterlagen (Bewerbungsschreiben, tabellarischer Lebenslauf, Hochschulabschluss) bis zum 20.05.2019 an:

Die genaue Stellenausschreibung finden Sie hier.

CfP: Forum on Higher Education and the Labour Market @ Hannover on October 29-30, 2019

The German Centre for Higher Education Research and Science Studies (DZHW) and the Institute for Employment Research (IAB) jointly organize the 2nd Forum on “Higher Education and the Labour Market“ (HELM), which will take place on October 29th and 30th 2019 in Hannover.

This year’s focus topic will be „Different Paths – Different Outcomes? Changes in the Acquisition of the Higher Education Entrance Qualification and Educational Pathways of Graduates“. Under this header we are asking the question, how alternative paths to acquiring a higher education entrance qualification on the one hand and alternative options to continue one’s education afterwards (as e.g. cooperative education programmes) on the other shape the education and career paths of students/degree holders.

In addition to the focus topic we are also interested in contributions that deal with the link between higher education and the labour market in general.

We appreciate empirical contributions from various disciplines, in particular from Economics, the Social Sciences, and Education. Please submit a short abstract (500 words maximum) by June 24th 2019 to

Further information can be found in the attached call for papers as well as at or

CfP: BeNA Labor Economics Workshop @ DIW Berlin, July 3 2019

The one-day BeNA Labor Economics workshop provides young labor economists the chance to present and discuss their current research. It constitutes a forum to meet and exchange with fellow doctoral students, post-docs and professors from the field of labor economics. We are happy to announce that Analia Schlosser (Tel Aviv University) and Natalia Danzer (Freie Universität Berlin) will give keynote speeches and provide valuable feedback throughout.

We are looking forward to submissions from PhD students from Berlin and Brandenburg working on topics in labor economics from a theoretical, empirical or experimental perspective. Equally, we encourage the submission of work in early stages. All projects presented at the BeNA workshop will be considered for the BeNA Innovative Research Award in the amount of €200.

The workshop will take place in the friendly atmosphere of the DIW (German Institute for Economic Research) on July 3, 2019.

If you want to present your work, please submit an extended abstract or a draft of your paper by May 15, 2019, to The decision on your submission will be communicated by June 5, 2019.

Please find more information here.