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Research assistant position for the project “Effects of the Pro Kind intervention in adolescence“ (50%) @IAB Nuremberg

Your work environment

The Institute for Employment Research (IAB) is the research department of the Federal Employment Agency (BA). It is one of the leading labour market research institutions in Europe and advises political actors and the professional public based on the latest scientific findings. Your research department is Education, Training, and Employment Over the Life Course (FBD2).

Your tasks and activities

  • Participation in a project that evaluates the long term outcomes of primary prevention
  • Coordination with project partners
  • Development and implementation of a data protection and quality assurance concept
  • Preparation and execution of administrative data retrievals
  • Processing of longitudinal administrative and self-collected datasets
  • Analysis and publication of work and research results


  • Master degree, preferred disciplines: economics or social science
  • In-depth knowledge in a relevant research field, such as health, family or labour economics
  • In-depth knowledge in empirical research methods
  • In-depth knowledge of statistical analysis methods and programs (e.g. STATA)
  • Sound knowledge of project management
  • Sound knowledge of presentation techniques
  • Very good knowledge of English
  • At least some knowledge of German

We offer

An employment contract for 36 months
The position can be combined with a dissertation project Application deadline: 15.06.2020
Monthly hours: 50% part-time
Salary: TE II Salary scale of the BA
Location: Nürnberg

More information and application here.

Find the job description here.

Questions to Dr. Malte Sandner, phone: 0911 179 5809, E-Mail:

Research and Teaching Assistant (PhD Student) Position at the Chair of Econometrics @Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg

The position is part-time (75 %) and fixed-term for three years. An extension is possible. The salary will be according to the German Public Service Salary Scale (E13 TV-L).
The position will offer the opportunity for further scientific qualification (doctorate).

The key research areas at the Chair of Econometrics include subjective indicators (e.g. life satisfaction, expectations) and issues of social and labor market policies. The Chair supports independent research projects and conference participations.


  • University degree (Master or Diploma) with good or very good grades
  • Good knowledge of econometrics and/or statistics
  • Good knowledge of statistical software packages (R, Stata)
  • Interest in working with micro data (e.g. SOEP, HILDA, BHPS)
  • Independence and creativity in working on research projects
  • Experience in empirical research (e.g. as part of a thesis) is an advantage.

Principal duties and responsibilities:

  • Carrying out empirical research projects and publishing articles in peer-reviewed journals
  • Assisting in teaching bachelor and master courses
  • Supporting administrative activities

For further inquiries, please contact Prof. Dr. Christoph Wunder, Phone +49 345 55 23380, email:

Please send your application (incl. CV, copies of certificates, and a research paper or your thesis or a recent term paper) until 12th June 2020, quoting the registration number 3-1042/20-H in pdf format to

Alternatively, send your application via postal mail to Martin-Luther- Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Juristische und Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät, Lehrstuhl für VWL, insb. Ökonometrie und empirische Wirtschaftsforschung, Prof. Dr. Christoph Wunder, 06099 Halle (Saale), Germany.

Find more information here.

CfP: Workshop at the German Centre for Higher Education Research and Science Studies (DZHW) in Hannover on October 8–9, 2020

The workshop “Causality in the Social Sciences II” will take place in October 8 and 9, 2020 at the German Centre for Higher Education Research and Science Studies (DZHW) in Hannover.

We kindly invite young researchers and distinguished scholars from the fields of social and political sciences, economics, philosophy, medical and health sciences and philosophy to contribute to our workshop titled “Causality in the Social Sciences II”. This subsequent workshop aims to discuss and reflect up-to-date developments in research and open questions on causality from an interdisciplinary perspective and focusses on three purposes:

  • First, it deepens the understanding of causality in the social sciences on a theoretical-analytical level.
  • Second, it highlights research designs and statistical methods to support causal interpretation on an applied empirical level. This implies experimental research designs (field and laboratory experiments) as well as estimation strategies for observational data such as matching, instrumental variables, selection correction models, panel regression, regression discontinuity design, and difference-in-differences approaches, and the critical reflection of strengths and pitfalls.
  • Third, it provides a place to discuss results of replication studies directly confronting naïve and more sophisticated estimation strategies: Do different methods provide different results?

Hence, core questions to be addressed are related to the general relation between description and explanation, the counterfactual approach itself, adequate estimation strategies for causal inference, advantages and disadvantages of experimental and observational data. But, the workshop is also open to other aspects related to causality and causal inference. 

The following two speakers will provide keynotes on: 

  • Prof. Dr. Felix Elwert (University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA)
  • N.N.

Besides these general talks, young scholars (PhD students and PostDocs) have the opportunity to present and reflect on how far aspects of causality are important for their research (15-20 minutes presentations and 10-15 minutes discussion). The presentations will be discussed by the invited keynote speakers as well as all the other workshop participants. 

Applications have to be sent by e-mail ( before May, 31st 2020, and should include 

    a) an abstract of the paper that will be presented (up to 500 words)

    b) a brief CV (one page).

You can find the Call for Papers as PDF here.

Find more information here.

Machine Learning Online Skill Camp – 10-12.06.2020

Marica Valente, PhD student at the Berlin School of Economics, will give a course on Machine Learning Methods for Prediction and Treatment Effect Estimation. The course starts on Wednesday, 10/6/2020, 3pm until 5pm. On Thursday and Friday, the course starts at 9:30 am and ends at 4:30 pm. 

Overview of class purpose and content
Machine learning (ML) defines a set of modern empirical tools used in fields like statistics, computer science, AI and, more recently, economics. ML in economics is often viewed as a black-box, and this course aims to make such a box less obscure and more accessible. In this course, we will walk through the basics of ML with a focus on supervised learning such as regularized regression and tree-based methods for both prediction and causal effect estimation. At the end of the course you will know how to use ML methods to solve problems that standard econometrics cannot. In addition, there will be two R sessions to familiarize with the algorithms’ implementation. Existing statistical packages make it trivial to do ML in practice. However, we will show how economic intuition still plays a crucial role in improving the algorithms’ performance.

No previous knowledge of ML is required since this is an introductory class. The course requires some basic knowledge of econometrics, and R coding. Please make sure to have RStudio installed before the beginning of the class.

For further details, please consider the syllabus. Please sign up for the course via e-mail to and note that the number of slots is restricted. 

Add-on Fellowships for Interdisciplinary Economics and Interdisciplinary Business Administration

The Joachim Herz Foundation awards up to 20 “Add-on Fellowships for Interdisciplinary Economics”. The fellowships support PhD students, postdocs and junior professors who work on interdisciplinary economic questions with an amount of up to € 12.500 over the course of two years.

Application deadline is August 12, 2020. Fellowships usually start from beginning of November 2020.

Please find more information here and here.

Stellenangebot @IAB: Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in (m/w/d) „Grundsicherung und Aktivierung“

Der Forschungsbereich „Grundsicherung und Aktivierung“ sucht ab sofort einen Wissenschaftlichen Mitarbeiter/eine Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin (m/w/d)  (vorzugsweise Post-Doc) – in Vollzeit, zunächst befristet bis 31.12.2024 (Referenzcode: 2020_E_001448).

Bewerbungsende ist der 18.5.2020.

Weitere Informationen (Stellenbeschreibung und Bewerbung) finden Sie im Karriereportal der Bundesagentur für Arbeit.

Stellenausschreibung Hans Böckler Stiftung

Für das Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaftliche Institut (WSI) der Hans-Böckler- Stiftung suchen wir ab dem 1. Mai 2020 im Rahmen einer Elternzeitvertretung befristet auf zwei Jahre einen Wirtschafts- oder Sozialwissenschaftler (m/w/d) oder eine Bewerberin/einen Bewerber mit einem vergleichbaren, international anerkannten Abschluss für das Forschungsprojekt Soziale Ungleichheit, Mobilität und Verteilung.

Sie haben ein wirtschafts- oder sozialwissenschaftliches Studium abgeschlossen und auf dieser Basis erfolgreich promoviert. Ihre bisherigen Forschungstätigkeiten liegen in den Themenbereichen soziale Ungleichheit, soziale Mobilität oder den Verteilungswirkungen der sozial-ökologischen Transformation. Theoretische und methodische Konzepte der sozialwissenschaftlichen Ungleichheits- und Mobilitätsforschung, insbesondere im Bereich der Armuts- und Reichtumsforschung, sind Ihnen vertraut. Außerdem verfügen Sie über fortgeschrittene Kenntnisse multivariater Analysen mit Paneldaten wie dem Sozio-oekonomischen Panel.

Bitte senden Sie Ihre aussagekräftigen Bewerbungsunterlagen inkl. Gehaltsvorstellungen bis zum 17.04.2020 an die :


Abteilung Verwaltung, Referat Personal, Frau Angelika Krönert

Hans-Böckler-Straße 39, 40476 Düsseldorf

Find more information here.

Revised CfP – Labor Market Transitions: Challenges for Public Policies and Research, Nürnberg, September 7-9 2020

During Germany’s EU Council Presidency in 2020, the Institute for Employment Research (IAB) will host an interdisciplinary labor market conference. This conference will focus on labor market transitions and on the evaluation of policies that governments implement to smooth such transitions. To expand the frontiers of knowledge about the importance of the labor market for individuals’ lives and the role of governments in adapting to changes in individuals’ transition patterns and demogra- phic and technological change, we are interested in papers that focus on:

  • Labor market transitions of young individuals (e.g. leaving education)
  • Labor market transitions of unemployed individuals
  • Transitions into retirement
  • Household decisions and labor market transitions (e.g. employment and parenthood)
  • Technological change and labor market transitions
  • Firms and labor market transitions
  • Educational decision making in the school system and in the labor market (e.g. further training)
  • Monetary and non-monetary consequences of labor market transitions

Submissions will preferably apply (quasi-)experimental or longitudinal designs.

The keynote speakers of the conference are Jutta Allmendinger (WZB) and Christian Dustmann (University College London, CReAM).

Please send your full paper or extended abstract (2-3 pages) to

  • Submission Deadline: May 15th 2020 
  • Acceptance Notification: June 15th 2020 
  • Registration Deadline: July 1st 2020

Find more information here.

University Assistant for a full-time, six-year position at the Institute for Health Economics @JKU Linz

Job Duties:

  • Conduct independent research in the area of empirical health economics
  • Publications in peer-reviewed journals
  • Actively take part in department research
  • Teach undergraduate and graduate-level university courses in (health) economics

Your Qualifications:

  • The successful candidate must hold a Doctorate/Ph.D. degree in Economics
  • Possess experience analyzing big, individual-level data
  • Outstanding expertise in microeconometric methods
  • Strong knowledge in the field of health economics
  • Ability to teach university-level courses in English (level B2+), German skills are a plus
  • Highly engaged and motivated, strong interpersonal skills, ability to work as part of a team, good communication skills

Application Deadline: April 14, 2020.

Prospective applicants interested in the multifaceted position are requested to electronically send an application in adherence to the stated criteria together with the requested documentation via our online portal or to the Johannes Kepler University Linz, Department of Human Resource Management, Altenberger Straße 69, A-4040 Linz. Please include “Job Reference Number 4135“ in your application.

Find more information here.