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Labor Workshop


image2BeNA’s one-day workshops give talented young researchers the opportunity to present and discuss their research and to study new developments in labor economics and related fields. It is open to young labor market researchers (PhD students and post-docs) from Potsdam and Berlin. Interested students can also attend the workshop without presenting their own work. The workshops feature a combination of presentations and invited talks to facilitate exchange between junior and senior researchers.

BeNA usually hosts two workshops per year, one in the spring/summer and one in the fall/winter.  Workshops are organized by PhD students in the BeNA network. Call for papers are posted on the website and distributed through the BeNA newsletter and other outlets in Berlin, as well as our Twitter/X account.

In March 2024, BeNA hosted a conference to celebrate 20 years of labor market research in the BeNA network. The conference was attended by current as well as former members which have been around since BeNA came into existence 20 years ago. The program featured a wide variety of presentations, flash talks, and practitioners talks.

For further information on past workshops and similar events browse the Workshop Archive.


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