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Job offerings for economists @ IAB Nuremberg

The Institute for Employment Research (IAB) invites applications for several research positions (PhD student and Postdoc) in labor economics. The successful candidates will be part of the Research Group of the Director, Prof. Bernd Fitzenberger, Ph.D..

The research positions (PhD student and Postdoc) are for initially limited to 3 years with the possibility of an extension. Promising candidates have the chance to enter a tenure-track evaluation process for a permanent senior position.

All applicants with expertise in labor economics and related fields can be considered. Ideal candidates work on (or show an interest in) one of the following topics: evaluation of active labor market policies, school-to-work transition, vocational training, gender differences in the labor market, or methodological research to develop tools for policy analysis with regard to data quality, data linkage and big data. Application deadline is December 10, 2019.

Interested candidates are requested to apply via the BA E-Recruiting Portal:

PhD students:

Post graduate:

Please find more information here.