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BeNA Guru Talk on “Networking in Academia”

We are excited to announce our upcoming BeNA Guru Talk on the topic “Networking in Academia“. The event will take place on Monday, July 8, 2024, from 5:00-6:30 pm at the Elinor Ostrom Room, DIW Berlin. The Guru Talk will take the form of a panel discussion and aims to provide PhD students and postdocs with valuable insights into effective networking in the academic world.

We are excited to welcome Cara Ebert (RWI Essen), Shushan Margaryan (University of Potsdam), and Felix Weinhardt (European University Viadrina) as our panelists for the event.

The discussion will be moderated by Felix Degenhardt (University of Potsdam) and will address questions such as: What constitutes a good academic network? Why is networking so important? How can networking enhance your academic career? What are the best strategies for meeting speakers, contacting professors, and engaging with peers and potential coauthors? Additionally, we will explore how to make the most out of conferences and workshops and how to strategically select and prepare for these events.

The panel discussion will be followed by a Q&A and an informal networking session including drinks and snacks.

Join us for this insightful event and take the opportunity to connect with peers and seasoned academics in a relaxed setting. If you like to join, please sign up for the event using the form below.

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PhD & Postdoc positions @ University of Stuttgart

PhD position

The Institute of Economics and Law at the University of Stuttgart is seeking a PhD student / Research Associate (m/f/d) for the Political Economy of Global Development Lab

Your Tasks:

  • Independent scientific research in the lab’s research areas with the goal of completing your
    PhD in Economics.
  • Presenting research results at international conferences.
  • Collaborating in international research projects.
  • Participating in PhD courses (Doctoral Program in Economics at the University of
    Hohenheim) and summer schools.
  • Teaching tutorials (3 semester hours per week, good German language skills required).

Your Profile:

  • An above-average university degree (Master’s or Diploma) in Economics or a related
    quantitative field (e.g., Data Science, Political Science/Public Policy).
  • Interest in topics in one or more of the following areas: economic inequality, fairness and
    justice views, political economy, and/or development economics.
  • Excellent knowledge of empirical methods/econometrics and experience with statistical
    software (e.g., Stata, R, Python).
  • Very good command of English, both written and spoken.

Application deadline: June 18, 2024

Find more information on the PhD position here.

Postdoc Position

The Institute of Economics and Law at the University of Stuttgart is seeking an Assistant Professor (fixed-term) / Research Associate (m/f/d) for the Political Economy of Global Development Lab.

Your Tasks:

  • Independent scientific research in the lab’s research areas with the aim of further
  • Publication of research in high-ranking international peer-reviewed journals.
  • Presentation of research results at international conferences, workshops, and seminars.
  • Participation in or independent application for and implementation of third-party funded
  • Establishment of research collaborations.
  • Participation in organizing workshops.
  • Teaching (4 semester hours per week, good German language skills required).

Your Profile:

  • An outstanding PhD in Economics or a related quantitative field (e.g., Data Science, Political
    Science/Public Policy).
  • Excellent knowledge of empirical methods (e.g., applied microeconometrics and/or machine
    learning) and/or experimental methods (e.g., lab and field experiments and/or survey design).
  • Interest in topics in one or more of the following areas: economic inequality, concepts of
    fairness and justice, political economy, and/or development economics.
  • Ability to work independently, good organizational skills, and high motivation.
  • Very good command of English, both written and spoken.
  • International experience is an advantage.

Application deadline: June 18, 2024

Find more information on the postdoc position here.

Research Associate (Phd/Post-Doc) @ TU Dresden

An der Fakultät Wirtschaftswissenschaften ist an der Professur für Quantitative Verfahren, insb. Ökonometrie (Prof. Dr. Cygan-Rehm) zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt eine Stelle als wiss. Mitarbeiter:in / Doktorand:in / Postdoc (m/w/d) (bei Vorliegen der persönlichen Voraussetzungen E 13 TV-L) für drei Jahre mit der Option auf Verlängerung (Beschäftigungsdauer gemäß WissZeitVG), mit bis zu 80% der regelmäßigen wöchentlichen Arbeitszeit, zu besetzen. Darüber hinaus ist eine aufgabenspezifische Aufstockung der regelmäßigen wöchentlichen Arbeitszeit im vorgegebenen rechtlichen Rahmen bei Mittelverfügbarkeit möglich. Es besteht die Gelegenheit zur eigenen wiss. Weiterqualifikation (i.d.R. Promotion oder Habilitation).


  • Mitarbeit in einem von der DFG geförderten internationalen Forschungsprojekt auf dem Gebiet der empirischen Arbeitsmarktforschung
  • eigenständige wiss. Forschungstätigkeit mit der Gelegenheit für eine Promotion oder Habilitation
  • Publikation der Forschungsergebnisse in Fachzeitschriften und Präsentation der Befunde auf
    nationalen und internationalen Konferenzen
  • Übernahme von Aufgaben in der akademischen Selbstverwaltung. Voraussetzungen:
  • erfolgreich abgeschlossenes wiss. Hochschulstudium (Master oder Diplom) in Wirtschafts- oder Sozialwissenschaften mit ausgewiesener analytischer Kompetenz (vorzugsweise in Volkswirtschaftslehre, Wirtschaftswissenschaften, Wirtschaftsinformatik, Sozialökonomik oder verwandtem Studiengang)
  • für eine Beschäftigung als Postdoc wird zusätzlich eine abgeschlossene (bzw. absehbar abgeschlossene) Promotion in einem der relevanten Fachgebiete vorausgesetzt
  • fundierte Kenntnisse empirischer Forschungsmethoden und gängiger Statistikprogramme wie Stata, R oder Python
  • praktische Erfahrungen mit komplexen Datenstrukturen, insb. mit den administrativen Forschungsdaten des Instituts für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung (IAB) an der Bundesagentur für Arbeit (z.B. durch eine empirische Seminar- oder Abschlussarbeit oder im Rahmen eines Praktikums)
  • selbstständige und teamorientierte Arbeitsweise, starke Motivation und Eigeninitiative
  • ausgeprägte Präsentations- und Kommunikationsfähigkeiten sowie Reisebereitschaft
  • sehr gute Englischkenntnisse in Wort und Schrift (sofern Deutsch nicht die Muttersprache ist, werden gute Deutschkenntnisse erwartet).
  • Internationale Erfahrungen (durch bspw. Auslandssemester) sind von Vorteil.

    Wir bieten Ihnen:
  • eine abwechslungsreiche Tätigkeit in einem dynamischen Forschungsumfeld
  • Zugang zu umfassenden Forschungsdaten
  • internationale Vernetzung in der Wissenschaftsgemeinschaft
  • eine intensive Unterstützung Ihrer Weiterqualifikation (i.d.R. Promotion oder Habilitation)
  • umfangreiches Weiterbildungsangebot an der TU Dresden und im Rahmen des strukturierten Promotionsprogramms Central-German Doctoral Program Economics (CGDE)
  • Unterstützung bei Teilnahmen an internationalen Konferenzen und Forschungsaufenthalten im Ausland
  • Einbindung in ein hochengagiertes Team
  • flexible Arbeitszeiten, Möglichkeit zum selbstorganisierten Arbeiten und ein ermäßigtes

Application Deadline: 13.06.2024

Find more information here.

Student Researcher @ University of Stuttgart

The Institute of Economics and Law at the University of Stuttgart is looking for a Student Researcher/Lab Assistant (m/f/d), 40 hours per month, initially limited to six months with possibility of extension. The start date is negotiable (June 1, 2024 would be ideal).

Tasks: Supporting several research projects and the work of the new Political Economy of Global Development Lab at the University of Stuttgart (Profs Fehr and Bluhm).

The successful candidates will support cutting edge research in empirical development economics of the lab members. At the lab, we study issues relevant to economic policy using modern quantitative methods, experiments, and theory. We work on a range of crosscutting questions, such as redistribution, decision-making of individuals or policymakers, and all aspects of economic development. You will support new and ongoing projects with partners from Europe, the US, and Asia. For this call, we are looking for research assistants with skills in handling large geospatial data sets. The tasks can be done remotely by students based at any German university, but we will give preference to students from Baden Württemberg to allow occasional in-person meetings.


  • Enrolled (Bachelor or Master) student with a background in Economics or other Social Sciences, Computer Sciences, Geography, or related fields
  • Good or very good grades
  • Fluency in English is required, while German language skills are not required
  • Interest in empirical economics, development, and political economy (all broadly defined)
  • Ability to work independently and perform his/her tasks accurately and in a structured way
  • Team spirit and flexibility
  • Knowledge of statistics/econometrics (inferential stats, regression analysis, and causal identification)
  • Knowledge of statistical software packages (preferably R or Stata and/or Python)

Application deadline: April 24, 2024.

Find more information here.

Postdoc position @ RWI

The research department “Labor Markets, Education, Population” at RWI is looking for a postdoctoral researcher (m/f/d) 100% for 3 years (possible extension), salary grade E 14 TV-L. The start date is flexible, but not later than October 2024. The postdoc position has a focus on Labor Economics.

Tasks will include:

  • conducting independent research by completing your papers that are already in the pipeline and by developing an ambitious research agenda within the department’s research focus
  • conducting research within the Horizon Europe SkiLMeeT project
  • writing proposals for and collaborating on third-party funded projects, both as a project leader and as a team member
  • working together with the department’s PhD students and guiding their academic development

The successful applicants will:

  • have completed a PhD in Economics and show a deep understanding of applied econometrics
  • be experienced in analyzing micro data, such as administrative labor market histories or household surveys
  • have knowledge or a keen interest in working with natural language processing methods, e.g. analyzing online job vacancies
  • have successfully published in peer-refereed journals or have promising research in progress
  • have an excellent command of English and strong writing skills. Good knowledge of German is desirable, but not a prerequisite
  • have some experience in leading and contributing to commissioned research projects
  • enjoy working independently as well as in a team

Application deadline: April 15, 2024.

Find more information here.

Celebrating 20 Years of Labor Market Research: BeNA Conference Recap

Last week, the Berlin Network of Labor Market Research (BeNA e.V.) celebrated its 20th birthday with a vibrant conference held at the School of Business and Economics of the HU Berlin. Spanning over two days, from March 14th to 15th, the event brought together multiple generations of BeNA members and friends of the network.

The conference featured an inspiring keynote lecture by Abi Adams-Prassl (University of Oxford) on the topic “Firm Concentration & Job Design: The Case of Schedule Flexible Work Arrangements” to kick off the event on Thursday morning.

Throughout the conference, attendees had the opportunity to engage in a rich array of presentations and flash talks covering a diverse range of topics in the area of labor economics such as education and family, social security, health, inequality, discrimination, and migration. The conference also featured a practicioners talk where recent graduates shared insights about their career paths after the PhD in institutions outside academia. Participants furthermored engaged in a mentoring session between senior reserachers and junior members of the network.

One of the highlights of the event was the BeNA birthday party held on the evening of March 14th. Attendees gathered at Brauhaus Südstern for an informal conference dinner, where they had the chance to network, exchange ideas, and celebrate two decades of impactful research and collaboration within the Berlin labor market research community. The conference was supported by INSIGHTS, the knowledge transfer program of the Berlin School of Economics.

As we reflect on the past 20 years of BeNA’s journey, this conference served as a testament to the organization’s dedication to advancing labor market research and fostering meaningful connections within the academic and professional community. Here’s to another two decades of innovation, collaboration, and impactful insights!

We invite you to relive some of the memorable moments from the conference through the photo gallery below:

For those who couldn’t attend or wish to revisit the discussions, the conference program is available for download here.

Thank you to everyone who contributed to making this milestone event a resounding success. Here’s to the next 20 years of BeNA’s continued growth and impact in labor market research!

PhD & Postdoc positions @ FU Berlin

Postdoc position

The economics department is looking for a postdoctoral researcher (m/w/d) 75% for 3 years, salary grade E 13 TV-L FU.

Job description:

  • Internationally visible research output aiming at publication in refereed journals
  • Participation in teaching
  • Supervision of Bachelor and Master theses
  • Active participation in applying for and carrying out third-party funding
  • The successful candidate has the opportunity to develop her/his academic profile


  • Master’s degree (or equivalent) in economics, doctoral degree (PhD) in economics


  • Special aptitude for scientific work, demonstrated by a very good doctorate, ideally completed no more than four years ago
  • Good knowledge in econometrics
  • Interest in one or more of the following research topics: political economics, migration economics, North American economic policy and/or economic history
  • Very good language skills in English

Application deadline: March 25, 2024

Find more information on the postdoc position here.

PhD position

The Economics Department is looking for a Research Assistant (m/f/d), 50% praedoc for 4 years, salary grade 13 TV-L FU.

Job description:

  • Participation in research and teaching of the team lead by Prof. Dr. Max Steinhardt (professor in economics with special focus on economic policy in North America).
  • Participation in acquiring funding for, and carrying out, sponsored research.
  • The position entails the opportunity to obtain a doctoral degree in economics at the Freie Universität Berlin.


  • A master’s degree (or equivalent) in economics.


  • Knowledge in empirical economic research and econometrics
  • Interest in one or more of the following research fields: political economy, economics of migration, gender economics, North American economic policy and/or economic history
  • Very good language skills in English

Application deadline: March 25, 2024

Find more information on the PhD position here.

CfP: IZA Summer School / July 15-19, 2024

The IZA Institute of Labor Economics is excited to welcome applications for its 25th IZA Summer School. The Summer School provides opportunities to learn from leading researchers about new advances in their respective fields, and is a great platform to discuss research and interact with faculty and fellow students. The Summer School will take place from July 15 – 19, 2024 at IZA in Bonn.

Lectures will be given by:

Deadline: March 31, 2024

Find more information here.

CfP: Labour and Globalisation Workshop @University of Nottingham / June 11-12, 2024

The workshop, organized by the Nottingham Centre for Research on Globalisation and Economic Policy (GEP), will be held in person on June 11-12 in the School of Economics at the University of Nottingham. Submissions on any topic related to labour economics are welcome.

The deadline to submit papers is Monday, April 1st at midnight GMT.

The organising committee is delighted to announce the following confirmed speakers:  Giovanni Peri (UC Davis) and Ines Helm (LMU Munich)

Find more information here.

BeNA 20 Year Jubilee Conference

Date: March 14 -15, 2024

Location: HU Berlin, Spandauer Str. 1, 10178 Berlin

Program: Download the program here.

The Berlin Network of Labor Market Research (BeNA e.V.) is proud to organize a conference to celebrate its 20th birthday!

The conference will take place on March 14-15 at HU Berlin, School of Business and Economics, Spandauer Str. 1. The Keynote will be delivered by Abi Adams-Prassl (University of Oxford). On the evening of March 14th, we will celebrate the BeNA birthday party with an informal conference dinner at Brauhaus Südstern. INSIGHTS, the Berlin School of Economics knowledge transfer program, supports the event.

Call for papers:


  • Felix Fuchs, HU Berlin
  • Annica Gehlen, DIW and FU Berlin
  • Peter Haan, DIW and FU Berlin
  • Andreas Leibing, DIW and FU Berlin
  • Johannes Seebauer, DIW and FU Berlin
  • Katharina Wrohlich, DIW and University of Potsdam
