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PhD Position @ Trier University

The Institute for Labour Law and Industrial Relations in the European Union (IAAEU) at Trier University invites applications for one Doctoral Position (m/f/d; payscale EG 13 TV-L; 75%) starting preferably on May 1, 2025 or as soon as possible thereafter. The appointment is initially for a period of three years with the possibility of renewal for at most the same period.

The institute’s Economics group focuses its theoretical and empirical work on labour market institutions and their consequences for market outcomes. The prospective jobholder will support the IAAEU’s research in the field of labour and personnel economics. An interest in the economic analysis of legal restrictions (for example, dismissal protection, minimum wage, collective bargaining) would be advantageous. An excellent command of microeconomic or microeconometric methods is a prerequisite for successful collaboration. The position is set up for academic qualification in order to write a cumulative doctoral thesis. Opportunities for university teaching are available. An excellent command of German and a very good knowledge of English are required. They are looking for economists or graduates of related university courses with an excellent Master degree. The IAAEU is an equal opportunities employer and strongly encourages qualified women to apply.

Application deadline: March 31, 2025.

Please find more information here.

2nd Applied Causal Graphs Workshop @ Charité

The 2nd edition of the Applied Causal Graphs Workshop will take place on Tuesday, March 4th, 2025 at the Charité Campus Virchow Klinikum in Berlin.

The focus of the full-day workshop will be on how graphs can help us in applied research in the social sciences, climate science, health research and other fields. Our goal is to connect researchers across disciplines and foster networking among causal graph enthusiasts in our region. There is no cost to participate.

In addition to 3 engaging keynotes by Simone Maxand, Philipp Bach, and Peter Tennant, the workshop will feature short, 10-minute presentations by attendees. We aim to create a supportive and welcoming environment, and encourage all attendees to present something – big or small, published or in progress, a new piece of software, an implementation, or a brand-new idea you’d like feedback on. We’re eager to hear about it.

You will find all information on our webpage (, including the form where you can register and submit an abstract for your contribution.

Submission deadline: Feb 7th, 2025.

Please find more information here.

CfP Junior Workshop on Economics of Latin America @ FU Berlin

Submissions are open to a 2-day workshop on Economics of Latin America, specifically designed for junior scholars. The workshop is hosted by the Institute for Latin American Studies (LAI) at the Freie Universität Berlin.

PhD students and Postdoctoral researchers within two years of their PhD completion are invited to submit full paper drafts. Submissions on all areas of economics with a clear regional focus on Latin America are welcomed. Papers that intersect with development economics are especially encouraged.

Time: 10-11 July 2025.

Location: Institute for Latin American Studies (LAI) at the Freie Universität Berlin.

Submission deadline: 28 February 2025.

Please find more information here.

Post Doc Position @ Federal Institute for Population Research (BiB)

The Federal Institute for Population Research (BiB) in Wiesbaden
is looking for a Post-doctoral Researcher (f/m/d) for the research group “Education and Human Capital”

The Federal Institute for Population Research (BiB) is a research institution at the intersection of research, politics and society. With around 85 employees, BiB is one of the most important centers for population research in Germany. The BiB is looking for a motivated Research Associate (PostDoc) to strengthen their research in the areas of education and early inequalities. The research and policy consulting activities of the “Education and Human Capital” research group focus, among other things, on how children can best develop their potential.

The position involves contributing to the scientific evaluation of the “Startchancen Program”, a comprehensive federal initiative aimed at supporting schools with a high proportion of socially disadvantaged students. A key goal of the program is to enhance students’ competencies and thereby contribute to greater equity in opportunities. The BiB is participating in the scientific evaluation as a member of an interdisciplinary consortium comprising multiple institutes and organizations.

Your responsibilities include:

  • Designing and conducting empirical analyses to evaluate the impact of policy measures, particularly the Startchancen Program
  • Analyzing various national survey datasets and administrative data sources using advanced quantitative and quasi-experimental methods
  • Contributing to interim and final evaluation reports
  • Presenting findings at national and international conferences and publishing research results in international peer-reviewed journals
  • Supporting and advising the Federal Ministry of the Interior and Community, as well as other relevant departments.
  • Collaborating closely and exchanging insights with consortium partners involved in the evaluation

What You Should Bring:

  • A completed master’s degree or equivalent qualification (e.g., Magister, Dipl.-Uni) in economics, statistics, data science, educational sciences, sociology, or related fields


  • A completed or near-completed doctoral degree
  • Strong knowledge of and experience with quantitative methods in evaluation research (e.g., difference-in-differences, instrumental variables, event studies, and regression discontinuity designs)
  • Solid expertise in the field of economics of education, sociology of education, and/or related areas
  • Excellent understanding of the German school system and its structures
  • Experience in processing complex survey and/or registry data, with proficiency in statistical software such as Stata or R
  • Proven experience in writing academic papers in both German and English
  • Good command of English, both written and spoken (minimum B2 level)
  • For non-native German speakers, German language proficiency (minimum A1 level)
  • Interest in policy consulting
  • Strong ability to communicate complex issues in an accessible way
  • Solution-oriented working style and strong teamwork skills
  • Commitment and initiative
  • Competence in gender issues

Application Deadline: 02 February 2025
Find more information here.

IAB Special Lecture with David Autor on January 15

The IAB Special Lecture Series invites outstanding international researchers across the Social Sciences to present their current work. Guest lecturers are selected on exellent academic merit and typically have made significant contributions to their respective fields and continue to actively shape internationale research agendas. The IAB Special Lecture Series aims to provide a unique opportunity to the IAB researchers as well as researchers from other research entities to discurss the work and share their expertise with the speaker during the presentation, and to receive feedback on their own research projects during individual talks with the speaker.

The IAB Special Lecture Series will be held at the IAB, Regensburger Str. 100, 90478 Nuremberg on 15 January 2025, 14.00 – 15.30 pm. Participation is possible either on-site or via MS Teams.

Registration is required in order to join. Find more information here.

CfP: Workshop on the Impact of Immigration and Refugee Inflows on Host Country Economies @ FU Berlin

The John F. Kennedy Institute at Freie Universität Berlin invites junior researchers (non‐tenured) to submit papers for the poster session at the Workshop on the Impact of Immigration and Refugee Inflows on Host Country Economies. The workshop, supported by the Thyssen Foundation, covers a wide range of topics, emphasizing empirical economic research in this area. This two‐day event will feature a selected number of invited speakers alongside a poster session where junior researchers can showcase their work. A key goal of the workshop is to foster meaningful connections between emerging researchers and senior scholars with shared interests in these important topics.

Time: March 6‐7, 2025.

Location: John F. Kennedy Institute at Freie Universität Berlin.

Application deadline: December 20, 2024.

Please find more information here.

BeNA Winter Workshop – 12/2024

The BeNA Labor Economics Workshop took place on December 6, 2024, at Freie Universität Berlin. The one-day workshop provided young labor economists the opportunity to present and discuss their current research with other participants and senior researchers. The participants received valuable feedback on their projects.

BeNA Winter Workshop 2024

The workshop featured two interesting keynotes on “Spillover Effects of Old-Age Pension Across Generations: Family Labor Supply and Child Outcomes” by Han Ye (University of Mannheim) and “The Big Shift to Remote Work” by  Jean-Victor Alipour (LMU Munich).

Participants discussed their projects in presentation sessions and a poster session. The workshop was marked by vivid discussions during the day and included an informal dinner after the workshop. The program can be found here.

Martin Wiegand (UPF Barcelona) was awarded the BeNA Innovative Research Award for his project “Cities with Benefits: The Effects of Region-specific Unemployment Assistance
on Unemployed Jobseekers
“, congratulations!

We thank all the participants for their contributions to making this event a success and look forward to the next workshop in spring 2025!

BeNA General Assembly 2025

We cordially invite members and prospective members of the Berlin Network of Labor Market Research (BeNA e.V.), to our annual general assembly on February 10, 2025, at 4 pm in the Elinor Ostrom Hall at DIW Berlin.

Each year, we meet to plan BeNA’s future. For this, we need as many interested people as possible to (1) take a vote on our board and annual account, (2) discuss our future activities, (3) volunteer for tasks within the network, or (4) simply see what we are doing and become a member.

The agenda includes:

  • Welcome
  • Determination of the number of voting members
  • Election of the secretary
  • Approval of the agenda
  • Review of BeNA activities 2024
  • Report of the cash auditor
  • Discharge of the board
  • (Re)election of the board members (newly elected every year)
  • Planning new BeNA activities (incl. the allocation of tasks/organizing teams)

The members of the current BeNA board are happy to announce that they are running for re-election this year. Anyone interested in running for the position of board member can declare their interested in advance by contacting to be put up for election.

There is also a wide range of further possibilities to participate in the network. If you’ve been considering getting more involved with BeNA, this is a great opportunity to learn more about our activities and how you can contribute. Would you like to shape the network actively? You could:

  • organize BeNA activities (workshops, lecture series, guru talks, skills camps)
  • volunteer for smaller tasks (maintenance of the membership list, newsletter, website, X, setup a BlueSky)

Please feel free to invite junior researchers interested in joining the network.
We look forward to seeing you at the general assembly!

You can register using the form below.

GA 2025
BeNA Member

Post Doc (f/m/d) at the research unit “Education, Training, and Employment over the Life Course” at the IAB – 3 years plus possible extension/tenure track

The Institute for Employment Research (IAB) invites applications for a Post Doc position in empirical education and labour market research, particularly in the field of school to work transition. The successful candidate will be part of the research department “Education, Training, and Employment Over the Life Course”.

Tasks and prerequesites
Applicants are expected to develop and conduct research projects both independently and as part of a team. They conduct empirical analyses on the basis of administrative and survey data and develop new data sets and own surveys. They publish their research in international peer-reviewed journals and contribute to policy debates through policy-briefs and public media outlets.

Ideal candidates have a sound knowledge of educational and labour market research, especially in the field of school to work transition and educational policy institutions. Applicants must have a Ph.D. or be close to completion, preferably in economics or sociology, and demonstrate evidence of high-quality research. A sound knowledge of English (B2) is required and a sound knowledge of German is an advantage.

What we offer
We offer an independent position with long-term prospects in an innovative and international team and in
projects which are highly relevant for science, politics and the public. The IAB offers an attractive academic research environment with a generous research budget and excellent access to data, in particular to the register data of the Federal Employment Agency, as well as outstanding opportunities to conduct field experiments and own surveys. The IAB supports young scholars through a wide range of training opportunities and access to its extensive national and international networks. Researchers earn a competitive salary and receive a generous travel budget for conference participations and research visits.

The full-time position is initially fixed-term for a period of 3 years, with a possible extension and the option of entering a tenure-track evaluation process for a permanent senior researcher position.

The IAB is an equal opportunity and family-friendly employer and encourages women to apply for the posi-
tion. It offers a mentoring program for female researchers. Disabled persons with equal qualifications will be favorably regarded. Part-time employment is possible.

Start of employment: 1 February 2025 or by arrangement
Application Deadline: 16 December 2024

Applications are possible through the application assistant

VfS Dissertation Award

Preis für die beste bildungsökonomische Dissertation – Wissenschaftlicher Förderpreis des Bildungsökonomischen Ausschusses im Verein für Socialpolitik.

Der Preis wird im Rahmen der Jahrestagung des Bildungsökonomischen Ausschusses am 13.02.-14.02.2025 in Zürich verliehen, auf der die prämierte Arbeit auch vorgestellt wird. Die/der Preisträger:in wird von einer Auswahlkommission ausgewählt, die von der Vorsitzenden des Bildungsökonomischen Ausschusses geleitet wird und zwei weitere vom Bildungsökonomischen Ausschuss gewählte Mitglieder umfasst.

Vorschlagsberechtigt sind die/der Verfasser:in der Dissertation, Betreuer:innen, Gutachter:innen sowie die Mitglieder des Bildungsökonomischen Ausschusses. Um berücksichtigt zu werden, müssen folgende Unterlagen als pdf-Dateien bis spätestens zum 31. Dezember 2024 an die Vorsitzende der Auswahlkommission ( gesandt werden: die Dissertation, eine maximal einseitige Zusammenfassung in deutscher Sprache, ein Lebenslauf sowie von den Betreuer:innen verfasste Gutachten über die Dissertation. Die Gutachten können der Jury ggf. auch separat und vertraulich direkt von den Gutachter:innen zugesandt werden.

Deadline: 31.12.24
Find more information here.