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CfP: Konferenz zum Thema „Zuwanderung und Arbeitsmarktintegration“

ARBEIT UND LEBEN Sachsen organisiert momentan in Kooperation mit dem sächsischen Staatsministerium für Wirtschaft, Arbeit und Verkehr eine bundesweite Konferenz zum Thema „Zuwanderung und Arbeitsmarktintegration“. Die Konferenz findet am 06.10.2020 in Dresden statt. Ziel der Konferenz ist es einen Austausch zwischen Politikern, Wissenschaftlern und Praktikern zu ermöglichen, die sich mit dem Thema Zuwanderung und Arbeitsmarktintegration beschäftigen.

Für die Anmeldung schicken Sie bitte Ihr Abstract bis zum15. Juni 2020 an Die Teilnahme an der Konferenz ist kostenlos.

Mehr Informationen finden Sie unter und hier.

Postdoctoral Fellow in Empirical Economics

The Chair for Empirical Economics at the University of Potsdam invites applications for a Postdoctoral Fellow in Empirical Economics. The initial contract is limited to 3 years (potentially renewable) starting on September 1, 2020. The remuneration is according to the German collective agreement for the public service (EG 13 TV-L, 100%). Applicants must have a PhD in Economics (or should be close to completion of their PhD when starting the job), a strong interest in empirical economics (especially labor economics, policy evaluation or entrepreneurship) and excellent knowledge in applied econometrics/statistics (or machine learning).

Teaching obligations amount to 3 hours per week (4 SWS), for example in undergraduate and graduate level statistics and econometrics or applied topics (policy evaluation).

Please send your application (and any questions that you might have) directly to Marco Caliendo ( Applications will be accepted until the position is filled.

Find more information here.

CfP: BeNA Labor Economics Workshop – May 6, 2020 @DIW Berlin

The one-day workshop provides young labor economists the chance to present and discuss their recent research. It provides a forum to meet and exchange with fellow doctoral students, post-docs and professors from the field of labor economics. The workshop is targeted at PhD students and aims to facilitate exchange between junior and senior academics. This year, we are happy to announce that Yvonne Giesing (ifo Institute) and Erik Lindqvist (Swedish Institute for Social Research, SOFI) will be our excellent guest speakers at the workshop.

We are looking forward to submissions from PhD students from Berlin and Brandenburg working on topics in labor economics from a theoretical, empirical or experimental perspective. Equally, we encourage the submission of work in early stages.

Deadline for submissions: April 9, 2020

Please submit an abstract or a draft of your paper to The decision on your submission will be communicated by April 15, 2020.

You are also very welcome to attend the workshop without presenting your work. Please register for the workshop via email:

Find more information here.

Workshop on Social Insurance and Public Policies – Barcelona, May 18-19, 2020

The workshop will focus on the analysis of social insurance systems. We invite submissions of empirical papers on the evaluation of policies that, directly or indirectly, affect social insurance systems such as sickness, disability and unemployment insurance as well as parental leave policies. In particular, the workshop will focus on behavioral responses to public policies with a special emphasis on labor supply, health and labor market outcomes of beneficiaries and their relatives.

Keynote speaker

Knut Roed (The Ragnar Frisch Centre for Economic Research)


Submission of papers: March 31, 2020                                

• Communication of decisions: April 10, 2020

• Registration deadline: April 20, 2020

Manuscripts must be submitted by email ( in PDF format.

Find more information here.

Reminder: CfP for Essen Health Conference, 28-30 May 2020

The University of Duisburg-Essen invites paper submissions on any topic at the intersection between health and labour or education economics for the Essen Health Conference – Where Health meets Labour and Education Economics taking place in Essen on 28-30 May 2020. Essen Health Conference is a forum where researchers in health economics present work on the nexus between health and socioeconomic outcomes.

Papers should be sent in pdf format by 28 February 2020 to Contributions from early career researchers are encouraged. There is no registration fee for the conference.

Please find more information here.

Workshop on “Social Mobility and Economic Performance” 29 – 30 June 2020 | ZEW Mannheim

The workshop will bring together 10 – 15 scholars contributing to the growing literature on social mobility and its relationship with economic performance. We are especially interested in contributions that explore the causes and consequences of changes in the intergenerational transmission of economic status. We also welcome submissions on any topic related to social mobility, the geography of intergenerational mobility and/or mobility in a cross-country perspective. The workshop is jointly funded by the international research programme SEEK (Strengthening Efficiency and Competitiveness in the European Knowledge Economies) and the D3.2 grant Evidence-Based Anti-Poverty Policies – Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan.

Keynote speeches will be delivered by:

Miles Corak (The Graduate Center, City University of New York)

Bhashkar Mazumder (Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago)

Deadline for paper submission: April 15 2020

Decisions on acceptance will be given by: May 15 2020

Interested researchers are invited to submit a paper (preliminary versions are welcome) to Please find more information here.

CfP: Conference on Labor Market Transitions @IAB, Nuremberg

The Institute for Employment Research (IAB) invites paper submissions for the interdisciplinary labor market conference on “Labor Market Transitions: Challenges for Public Policies and Research” on September 7-9 2020 in Nuremberg. In addition to the scientific keynote speekers, Jutta Allmendinger (WZB) and Christian Dustmann (University College London, CReAM), the conference will feature political keynote speakers, a panel discussion with researchers and policy makers, and about 70 paper presentations in parallel sessions.

Full papers or extended abstracts can be submitted for presentation in the parallel sessions to by April 1st 2020. Please find more information here.

Call for Applications: 7 doctoral scholarships @IAB, Nuremberg

IAB and the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg invite applications for seven doctoral scholarships beginning October 1st, 2020.

  • The Graduate Centre GradAB offers a three-year programme of high-level training in labour market research, which can be extended for a fourth year under certain conditions.
  • The course programme provides training on labour market research, methods, and data at an advanced level and is held in English.
  • Additionally, applicants are granted access to the excellent data of the IAB on employment and social security.
  • The scholarship offers financial support of 1,350 € / month. In addition to the scholarship a 25% position at IAB or a university is possible.

The IAB aims at increasing the share of doctoral students with disabilities. For this reason, applications from disabled persons are highly welcome.

For further information on the application procedure, see details here and  The application deadline is 10 March 2020.

PhD Stelle @ TU Dortmund

Die Fakultät Wirtschaftswissenschaften der Technischen Universität Dortmund sucht einen wissenschaftlichen Beschäftigten (m/w/d) zum 1.04.2020 befristet für die Dauer von drei Jahren.

Aufgabenbereich: Sie versuchen Kausalzusammenhänge mithilfe von Mikrodaten und empirischen Methoden offenzulegen, um hierdurch Evidenz für gesellschaftlich relevante Forschungsfragen zu liefern. Das Ziel ist, international sichtbare Forschung mit dem Ziel der Veröffentlichung in internationalen Fachzeitschriften zu generieren. Mit dieser Forschung haben Sie die Möglichkeit zu einer Promotion, die aktiv unterstützt wird. Zudem unterstützen Sie den Lehrstuhl bei der Durchführung der Lehrveranstaltungen sowie in der wissenschaftlichen Verwaltung. Im Rahmen der Lehrverpflichtung sind 2 SWS Lehre zu erbringen.

Weiterführende Informationen finden Sie hier. Bei Fragen steht JProf Dr. Matthias Westphal ( zur Verfügung.


CfP: Evidence Based Economics (EBE) Summer Meeting 2020

The EBE Summer Meeting offers PhD students an opportunity to present their work, receive feedback and connect with peers from other departments worldwide. The general theme of the conference is Applied Microeconomics, including empirical as well as applied theory work. The Summer Meeting will be taking place from June 25 to 27, 2020 in Herrsching at Lake Ammer near Munich, Germany.

PhD students are invited to submit full papers or extended abstracts (3-4 pages) no later than February 29, 2020. There is no conference fee. Conference meals and accommodation will be covered for invited participants. There will be two keynote speeches by Jen Brown(University of Utah) and Selim Gulecsi (Bocconi University), who will also be present during the conference to provide feedback to participants.

Please find more information here.