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Workshop @ Minimum Wage Commission

The German Minimum Wage Commission hosts the workshop “Minimum wages in changing labour markets” at Hotel Aquino in Berlin on the 7th and 8th of November 2024:

Fundamental changes are currently taking place in labour markets. Labour shortages and a changing labour supply are increasingly becoming determining factors. These developments can be seen in the labour markets of almost all western industrialized countries. The workshop will address the question of what effects minimum wages have under these changed conditions. Among other things, the effects of minimum wages on the labour supply of certain demographic groups, such as labour market entrants or older employees, and the effects of minimum wages on migration flows and the labour market integration of immigrants will be central themes. The interrelationship between minimum wages and collective bargaining will be another focus. The workshop will present research findings from Germany, other EU member states, the USA and the United Kingdom.

Registration at

Deadline for registration: 9th of October

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