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PhD Workshop @ University of Trento

The 5th Edition of the Trento School of Applied Quantitative Research will take place in Trento, Italy, from 23 to 25 October 2024.

The School provides advanced training on key social science research topics using an analytical approach based on sociological, economic, demographic, statistical and computer science perspectives. The School aims to provide a systematic integration of the theoretical, methodological and technical ‘cutting-edge’ aspects of applied quantitative research.

The 5th Edition focuses on Social Policies. The theoretical sessions will range from the conceptualization and measurement of Social Policies to their assessment in an empirical and comparative framework. The methodological sessions provide a specific training on (1) discrete-time event history analysis with the integration of micro and macro data; (2) multilevel regression analysis using micro and macro data in a comparative framework; and (3) causal estimation using semiparametric event study approach and quasi-experimental methods.

The School is addressed to PhD students, post-docs and early-stage researchers of universities, public and private research institutions.

Application deadline: 26 August 2024, 12.00 PM (CET).

Please find more information here.