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BeNA Guru Talk on “Networking in Academia”

We are excited to announce our upcoming BeNA Guru Talk on the topic “Networking in Academia“. The event will take place on Monday, July 8, 2024, from 5:00-6:30 pm at the Elinor Ostrom Room, DIW Berlin. The Guru Talk will take the form of a panel discussion and aims to provide PhD students and postdocs with valuable insights into effective networking in the academic world.

We are excited to welcome Cara Ebert (RWI Essen), Shushan Margaryan (University of Potsdam), and Felix Weinhardt (European University Viadrina) as our panelists for the event.

The discussion will be moderated by Felix Degenhardt (University of Potsdam) and will address questions such as: What constitutes a good academic network? Why is networking so important? How can networking enhance your academic career? What are the best strategies for meeting speakers, contacting professors, and engaging with peers and potential coauthors? Additionally, we will explore how to make the most out of conferences and workshops and how to strategically select and prepare for these events.

The panel discussion will be followed by a Q&A and an informal networking session including drinks and snacks.

Join us for this insightful event and take the opportunity to connect with peers and seasoned academics in a relaxed setting. If you like to join, please sign up for the event using the form below.

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