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We are PhD students at institutions around Berlin
and Potsdam.

We are young economists conducting labor market research.

We are organizing workshops, skills camp and other events to support each other.

The Berlin Network of Labor Market Research (BeNA) offers young labor market researchers working at universities and research institutions in Berlin and Potsdam a forum for the discussion and development of their work. It is coordinated by young scholars from the participating institutions.

News from the Network

    • PhD position: An der Universität Potsdam, Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaftlichen Fakultät, Professur für Empirische Wirtschaftsforschung (Empirical Economics) ist zum 01.02.2025 (oder später) folgende Stelle befristet für vier Jahre zu besetzen: wissenschaftliche/-r Mitarbeiter/-in (w/m/d) (Doktorand/-in). Die Arbeitszeit umfasst 30 Wochenstunden (75%). Die Eingruppierung erfolgt nach Entgeltgruppe 13 der Entgeltordnung zum TV-Länder. Es besteht die Möglichkeit einer …

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    • Date: December 06, 2024 Location: FU Berlin The one-day workshop provides young labor economists the chance to present and discuss their research. It provides a forum to meet and exchange with fellow doctoral students, post-docs and professors from the field of labor economics. The workshop is …

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