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BeNA Skills Camp on ChatGPT for Economic Research

Dates: 04.10.24 & 07.10.24

Location: DIW Berlin (Karl-Popper-Room)

The Berlin Network of Labor Market Research (BeNA) is pleased to announce an upcoming Skills Camp this fall on the usage of ChatGPT for economic research.

Join us for an intensive two-day Skills Camp designed to equip you with the knowledge and practical skills to integrate AI into your work. Led by Professor Ingar Haaland (Norwegian School of Economics), a seasoned expert with extensive experience in using AI for research, this camp will provide hands-on training and insights tailored specifically for economists.

Event Details:

  • Dates & Times:
    • Friday, October 4th: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
    • Monday, October 7th: 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM
  • Location: DIW Berlin, Karl Popper Room
  • Evening Program: Join us for a group dinner on Friday evening to network and discuss ideas in a relaxed setting.

Camp Overview:

This Skills Camp will likely consist of five in-depth lectures and a brainstorming session. Below is a preliminary outline of the camp. Details are still subject to change and can be adjusted to the ideas and wishes of the camp participants.

  1. Lecture 1: How can LLMs make you more productive?
    Discover how large language models (LLMs) can enhance productivity in your research. Applications include coding assistance, translations, language editing, and generating new research questions.
  2. Lecture 2: Prompt Engineering and Best Practices
    Learn techniques for crafting effective prompts and explore best practices to avoid common pitfalls when working with AI.
  3. Lecture 3: Working with the API
    Gain practical knowledge on scaling your projects using the OpenAI API through example-driven instruction.
  4. Lecture 4: Applications in Economics: A Review of the Literature
    Review key studies that utilize AI in generating and analyzing data and studies that investigate the labor market effects of AI.
  5. Lecture 5: Research Applications
    Explore the use of AI tools in conducting qualitative interviews and studying news preferences.

Interactive Brainstorming Session:

We plan to conclude the camp with a brainstorming session where participants can develop ideas for integrating AI into their current research projects. This session aims to spark collaboration and inspire innovative approaches to economic research.


Spaces are limited to 20 participants, so please be sure to register via the form below until September 15th, 2024. We welcome all interested researchers to sign up for the skills camp. In the case of high demand, preference will be given to PhD students and BeNA members.

Please make sure to notify us of any changes via

Recap: See here for a recap of the event.

LINDY Workshop @ DIW

Workshop on Life-course Inequality Dynamics

Concerns about inequality and questions of social justice and cohesion have re-entered the public arena and animate debate. In his Nobel prize lecture in 2015, Angus Deaton has outlined three imperatives that are key to understanding inequalities and formulating welfare-enhancing policies: (I) Differences in resources across individuals should be measured not only at specific points in time but also across the life course. (II) Direct economic measures of well-being should be developed to assess better socio-economic outcomes. (III) Data should be reconciled with lifecycle models to explain the causal mechanisms behind outcomes. This workshop is an initiative to build on these imperatives and seeks to bring together scholars whose research focuses, from a lifecycle perspective, on inequalities in and fluctuations of economic resources and their drivers.

Time and Place
October 24-25, 2024; DIW Berlin, Elinor Ostrom Hall

Keynote speakers
Prof. Dr. Cecilia García Peñalosa, Aix-Marseille School of Economics
Title: Trends and Inequality in Lifetime Earnings in France

Prof. Dr. Dr. Giacomo Corneo, Freie Universität Berlin
Title: Lifetime income inequality and redistribution

Submissions that deal with any aspect of inequality dynamics over the lifecycle. There is no participation fee. Travel expenses are not covered. If you would like to participate in the workshop and / or present your own research, please send your application to:

Submission deadline: August 25, 2024

PhD Workshop @ University of Trento

The 5th Edition of the Trento School of Applied Quantitative Research will take place in Trento, Italy, from 23 to 25 October 2024.

The School provides advanced training on key social science research topics using an analytical approach based on sociological, economic, demographic, statistical and computer science perspectives. The School aims to provide a systematic integration of the theoretical, methodological and technical ‘cutting-edge’ aspects of applied quantitative research.

The 5th Edition focuses on Social Policies. The theoretical sessions will range from the conceptualization and measurement of Social Policies to their assessment in an empirical and comparative framework. The methodological sessions provide a specific training on (1) discrete-time event history analysis with the integration of micro and macro data; (2) multilevel regression analysis using micro and macro data in a comparative framework; and (3) causal estimation using semiparametric event study approach and quasi-experimental methods.

The School is addressed to PhD students, post-docs and early-stage researchers of universities, public and private research institutions.

Application deadline: 26 August 2024, 12.00 PM (CET).

Please find more information here.

FReDA Autumn School @ University of Mainz

The German Family Demography Panel Study (FReDA) at the University of Mainz welcomes applications for its 3-day Autumn School. The Autumn School provides opportunities to learn how to use the FReDA dataset. Participants will be introduced to FReDA, find out how to access the data, and will have the chance to work with the data through hands-on sessions.

FReDA collects data about living situations of partnerships and families in Germany. A representative sample was drawn from all people aged 18 to 49 living in Germany in 2020. Twice a year, FReDA surveys its participants and their partners.

The course will be held in English. Researchers of all levels are welcome. Participants need to be able to use Stata, R or SPSS.

The Summer School will take place from 30.09 – 02.10, 2024 at the University of Mainz.

Application deadline: July 31, 2024

Please find more information here.

Recap: BeNA Guru Talk on “Networking in Academia”, July 8th, 2024

On Monday, July 8, 2024, we held our BeNA Guru Talk on “Networking in Academia” from 5:00-6:30 pm at the Elinor Ostrom Room, DIW Berlin. The event featured a panel discussion aimed at helping PhD students and postdocs improve their academic networking skills.

Our panelists were:

The discussion was moderated by Felix Degenhardt (University of Potsdam) and covered topics such as building a good academic network, the importance of networking, and strategies for meeting speakers, contacting professors, and engaging with peers. The panel also shared tips on making the most of conferences and workshops.

See below for some impressions of the event.

Thank you to everyone who attended and contributed to the event’s success. We look forward to seeing you at future BeNA Guru Talks.

PhD or PostDoc Position @ University of Passau

The Chair of Public Economics (Professor Stefan Bauernschuster) offers a Graduate Research and Teaching Assistant or Post-Doc position from 1st October 2024

Your role

Your responsibilities will include working independently on research projects on predominantly empirical topics in the fields of labour, population and health economics as well as related fields. You will be expected to present your findings at international conferences and prepare them for publication in internationally renowned journals. The teaching load is 3.75 contact teaching hours per week (“Semesterwochenstunden”) for the 75% position or 5.0 contact teaching hours per week for the 100% position and includes mainly English-language courses for Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programmes. We offer you the opportunity of pursuing a doctorate or postdoctoral habilitation qualification.

Your profile

You have a very good university master’s degree in economics or have (almost) completed your doctoral studies in economics. Sound knowledge of applied microeconometrics and microeconomics is required; specialised knowledge in the field of labour, population or health economics would be desirable. In addition to good organisational and communication skills, we expect you to have a keen interest in empirical research. You are a good fit for us if you are a motivated team player who is open to new ideas and shows plenty of initiative. Excellent written and spoken English is required for this position.

What we offer you

  • Diverse and challenging work in an international environment with dedicated researchers
  • Participation in the doctoral programmes of the faculty and the Bavarian Graduate
    Program in Economics (BGPE)
  • Possibility of becoming integrated into the DFG Research Training Group “Digital Platform
  • A modern university campus that is just a few minutes’ walk from the historic Old Town
    and idyllically situated on the Inn river
  • Pleasant working atmosphere in a family-friendly environment

Application deadline: July 21, 2024
Find more information here.

PhD & Postdoc positions @ University of Zurich

The Chair of Business Economics, with a focus on Personnel Economics and Economics of (Vocational) Education, at the University of Zurich is looking for a PhD student and a Postdoc to start in the first half of 2025.

In the chair, they conduct cutting-edge research on topics within Economics of Education and Labor/Personnel Economics, and they are currently conducting and planning field experiments (RCTs) in Switzerland and abroad.

Candidates must have some German knowledge.

PhD position

The PhD student will be enrolled in the Graduate School of Business and will be taking graduate courses in the doctoral program on Economics of Education in the Swiss Leading House VPET-ECON, as well as having the opportunity to take other relevant graduate courses within the Faculty. The expected duration of the PhD is 4-5 years.

Postdoc position

The Postdoc position is for three years with the possibility to extend it for a further three years upon mutual agreement. Candidates should hold (at the time of starting the position) a Ph.D. degree in Economics or a related quantitative field with a specialization in applied microeconomics. Preferably the candidate has a strong expertise in either applied microeconometric methods or in field experiments.

Deadline: the screening of applications will start on August 15, 2024; applications are accepted until the position is filled.

Please find more information about the positions and how to apply here.

PhD Position @ University of Trier

Im Fachbereich IV der Universität Trier ist an der Professur für Personalökonomik sowie am IAAEU zum
nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt folgende Stelle zu besetzen:

Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in (m/w/d), E 13 TV-L, insgesamt 75%, befristet zur Qualifikation nach WissZeitVG)

Diese Aufgaben erwarten Sie

Die Professur für Personalökonomik arbeitet eng mit dem Institut für Arbeitsrecht und Arbeitsbezie-
hungen in der Europäischen Union (IAAEU) zusammen. Die Mitarbeiter/-innen der Professur sowie der
ökonomischen Arbeitsgruppe des IAAEU befassen sich vor allem mit der theoretischen und
empirischen Analyse von Arbeitsmarktinstitutionen und deren Einfluss auf Marktergebnisse. Ihre
Aufgabe ist, zu den Forschungsleistungen auf diesen Feldern aktiv beizutragen. Insbesondere

  • erstellen Sie eine kumulative Promotion
  • arbeiten aktiv in der Forschergruppe im Rahmen von Seminaren und Konferenzen mit
  • stellen Forschungsergebnisse auf Workshops und Konferenzen vor und
  • übernehmen Infrastrukturaufgaben (z. B. Organisation der Aufenthalte von Gastforschern/
    -innen, wissenschaftlicher Konferenzen)

Das erwarten wir von Ihnen

  • hervorragendes Prädikatsexamen in VWL, BWL oder einem verwandten Studiengang
  • ausgezeichnete Beherrschung mikroökonomischer oder mikroökonometrischer Methoden
    sowie entsprechender Software (Stata, R)
  • Interesse an den Arbeitsmarktwirkungen von KI oder der ökonomischen Analyse des Rechts
  • exzellente Beherrschung der deutschen sowie sehr gute Kenntnisse der englischen Sprache

More information can be found here.

Deadline for application: 15.07.24

CfP: Bildung als Schlüssel für Gesellschaftliche Herausforderungen @Uni Mannheim/ Januar 27-30, 2024

Unter dem Motto “Bildung als Schlüssel für gesellschaftliche Herausforderungen:
Interdisziplinäre Beiträge aus der Bildungsforschung” lädt die Gesellschaft für empirische Bildungsforschung zur 12. Jahrestagung der an der Universität Mannheim
vom 27.-29. Januar 2025 ein. Die Nachwuchstagung findet im Anschluss am 30. Januar
2025 statt.

Empirische Beiträge aus verschiedenen Disziplinen sind willkommen, wie der Erziehungswissenschaft,
Bildungsökonomie, Psychologie, Soziologie und Fachdidaktik, aber auch weiteren
Forschungsfeldern mit bildungswissenschaftlicher Relevanz, die sich inhaltlich oder
methodisch auf innovative Art und Weise mit dem Motto der Tagung auseinandersetzen.

Mehr Informationen finden Sie hier.

Einreichungsschluss ist der 31. Juli 2024

CfP: Gender Economics Workshop @WZB Berlin / September 26-27, 2024

WZB Berlin, DIW Berlin, FU Berlin, HU Berlin, Uni Potsdam, BSE INSIGHTS and CRC TRR 190 are jointly organizing a workshop on Gender Economics. The aim of the workshop is to bring together an international group of labor and experimental economists. The workshop will take place on September 26-27th, 2024 at WZB Berlin. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Dynamics of gender gaps in education and labor market outcomes
  • Interactions between gender norms, institutions and economic outcomes
  • The role of the firm and technology
  • The nature of discrimination and implicit biases
  • The role of gender stereotypes, norms or identity in economic decision making
  • Labour market determinants and consequences of domestic violence

The Keynote lecture will be delivered by Professor Muriel Niederle (Stanford University).

Authors at all stages of their career are invited to submit research papers via e-mail (

The deadline for submission is June 15th, 2024.

Please find more information here.