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CfP EWMES in Berlin – December 16-18

The Econometric Society is now accepting papers for the 2022 European Winter Meeting of the Econometric Society (EWMES) hosted by the Berlin School of Economics and Humboldt University. The Local Organizing Committee Chair is Peter Haan (FU Berlin and DIW Berlin) and the Scientific Programme Chair is Uta Schönberg (UCL).

The keynote speakers will be Christian Dustmann (University College London), Jan Eeckhout (University of Pompeu Fabra) and Ekaterina Zhuravskaya (Paris School of Economics).

The conference targets early career researchers (including PhD students) and fosters interactions between younger and more established researchers. It will be a unique opportunity to meet not only other early career but also more established researchers in your field.

Submission deadline: September 16, 2022.

Find more information here.