The Institute for Employment Research (IAB) is pleased to invite submissions for a workshop on “Vacancies, Hiring and Matching” in Nuremberg on October 1 and 2, 2019. In 2019, the IAB celebrates the 30th anniversary of the German Job Vacancy Survey, which has been collecting representative data on vacancies and hiring processes since 1989. Given that the nature of employers’ vacancy posting and hiring processes is an important, but still under-researched topic, the workshop’s objective is to discuss recent developments in the following research areas:
• Empirical research based on employer-level and/or vacancy data (also online vacancy data)
• Macroeconomic work dealing with vacancies, labor market flows or the matching process
• Other empirical studies on labor demand and the hiring of workers
• Methodological work discussing employer-level data collection and/or the measurement of vacancies
and labor flows
Researchers interested in participating should submit a full paper or an extended abstract to no later than March 31st, 2019. Decisions of acceptance will be announced during May, 2019.
Please find more information here.